
Solar and Agriculture: An Unexpected Partnership

The harmonious partnership between solar energy and agriculture, often dubbed ‘agrivoltaics’, is reaping benefits globally. It’s a misconception that solar installations consume valuable land, rendering it unusable. In reality, dual-use solar farms enable agricultural activities beneath panel installations.

Studies reveal that certain crops thrive under solar arrays, benefiting from the moderated light conditions. The panels protect crops from extreme weather conditions, and the vegetative growth underneath can, in turn, improve panel efficiency by regulating the microclimate. Additionally, the infrastructure of solar farms can be used to harvest rainwater, providing irrigation solutions.

Livestock, especially shade-loving ones like sheep, can graze amidst solar installations. This not only provides them relief from harsh sun but also aids in ground maintenance, reducing the need for mechanical mowing under the panels.

In essence, solar doesn’t compete with agriculture; it complements it. By understanding and leveraging this synergy, we can unlock sustainable solutions for both energy and food production.

Farm the future. Discover the synergy of solar and agriculture.